Your IT questions answered

At Missing Link, we’re often asked similar questions about various aspects of IT which, to be fair, can be a complex subject and is often mired in jargon, acronyms and industry terms. In order to help, we have started to build the Missing Link Q&A knowledge base to provide answers to some of these IT questions because we recognise that everyone wants a straight answer to a straight question.

We believe in giving open and honest advice - even if it means we give away some trade secrets - and we aim to provide the right level of detail in plain English.

Please check back often as we will be adding new Q&As on a regular basis, or if there's a specific question you want answering, please email with your question and we'll provide an answer directly and add it to the knowledge base.

Please click on a topic below to see the Q&As in each area.



Cyber Security



Disaster Recovery



Remote and Communication
